What will happen if one snake bites another snake? The answer is very interesting.

What will happen if one snake bites another snake? The answer is very interesting.


Snake is considered to be the most poisonous animal in the world. Some snakes are so poisonous that if they bite a human being, that person dies. But have you ever wondered what would happen if one snake bites another snake? Will that snake die or not? Today we will give you the answer to this question. 

Whether snake venom will spread to each other or not

After one snake bites another On the question Researchgate site says that the answer is both yes and no. In fact, if a snake of the same species bites another snake during a fight or intercourse, there will be no effect on it. This is because snakes are protected or immune to the poison of their own species. Such incidents of fighting and biting keep happening among snakes of the same species. But they do not die from this. 

The poison of another species of snake is dangerous 

According to the information, if a snake is poisoned by another species If a poisonous snake bites, it will definitely have an impact. However, experts say that this occasion is very rare, when a snake of one species fights with a snake of another species and both bite each other. But if two poisonous snakes of different species bite each other, then both will release poison in each other’s body, this will prove fatal for both the snakes and they may die. Experts say that snakes are immune to poison in their species. But the poison of other species is dangerous for them too. Let us tell you that the poison present in the glands of snakes varies from species to species.

What does research say

Biological studies at the University of Northern Colorado Science professor and expert on venomous snakes, Stephen McKessie, said that antibodies are prevalent in the blood of snakes of one species. Therefore, neither their own poison nor the poison of other snakes of their own species will affect them. For example, if a King Cobra and an Indian Cobra bite each other, then the venom of both will definitely kill each other. Because in case of bite, both of them will inject a lot of poison into each other’s body and both of them are of different species.

Also read: This creature is born male, but with increasing age it becomes female.

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